Psychic Abilities

Clairaudience: A form of channeling. Usually clairaudience is defined as the perception of messages in thought forms from an entity that exists in another realm. The person receiving these messages “hears” the messages in their mind. Though words or songs may actually be heard the same way one “hears” a phrase or song running through their heads, the thought itself may be all that’s transmitted. For the budding clairaudient: Be sure you share the messages obtained through clairaudience only with people who understand. Clairaudience is often confused with schizophrenia. See Channeling.

Clairsentience: Also known as Psychometry. The ability to touch or hold an object, stand in a specific place, and/or touch the body of a person and sense the energy encircling that person, place or thing. Energies can be light or heavy, joyful or foreboding, tough or gentle, peaceful or angry, good or evil, and are judged by the emotional impact on the clairsentient. A clairsentient or clairsentient medium is an empathic person who is able to experience and translate all kinds of energies. When picking up on negative emotions, a clairsentient may feel sick, while a positive experience may feel like sheer joy, or feeling safe and secure. The messages are usually more complicated than that alone, and can be of great assistance when one must make significant decisions in life.

Clairvoyance: Literally, “clear sight.” The psychic ability or power to acquire information, or to see objects, animals or people, in spite of any distance involved, and, in the case of a person or animal, to judge its present condition or emotional state. The clairvoyant can also pick up on past or future events. Clairvoyance is often used as a general term encompassing phenomena such as telepathy, second sight, prophetic visions, and dreams.

Channeling: A phenomenon that occurs when a disembodied entity speaks through a living human being. Such an entity can be an angel (usually Michael or Gabriel), an Ascended Master (e.g. Ramtha or Lazaris), or simply a wise and aware human being who has departed this earth (e.g. Matthew Ward). Usually these human beings are very psychic and already in touch with the other worlds, but sometimes they have a familial or other close connection with the entity in question and thus have been chosen to be that entity’s channel. The entity being channeled can use speech, automatic writing, or, in rare cases, tools such as Ouija boards. It is important, however, that the channeler become well acquainted with the entity being channeled before conveying that entity’s message to others.

Channel Medium: A sensitive and often very psychic person who has been chosen by a specific otherworldly entity to take that entity’s message to other living human beings.

Crossover Reading: A type of reading wherein the reader uses at least two and sometimes more disciplines in order to give the client every advantage. Many readers use astrology, clairvoyance and Tarot all in one reading, and other disciplines often combined with these are numerology, palmistry, and the runes.

Dream Interpretation: A practice that analyzes the symbols appearing in dreams in order to sort out a problem, put the dreamer in touch with his or her inner self, discern repressed thoughts, diagnose possible illnesses, unscramble a warning, or foretell the future. The practice of dream interpretation goes all the way back to ancient times. Perhaps the most well-known interpreter of dreams was the Hebrew patriarch Joseph.

Empath: A person who has the ability to sense and/or understand emotions from another person or animal, which includes stimulation to any or all of the five senses, as well as the sixth sense, without being verbally informed and/or without palpable visual clues. Many empaths are able to tune into people in places far away from them.

Intuitive: A person who can pick up on the thoughts and feelings of other life forms, as well as signals of nature. While all psychics are intuitives, not all intuitives are psychics. Psychics tend to get more specific detail, while intuitives work primarily with emotions. Intuitives are also often healers. They can prove invaluable in cases where there’s no discernible cause for pain or discomfort because they can sense what exactly is going on and thus are in a better position to know what the healer should focus on.

Medium: Now more popularly called a Channel. See Channeling. A person whose mind can pierce the veil between this world and the next, and talk to the dead, though some mediums also claim to talk to angels and Ascended Masters. Mediums are most often called upon by people who wish to seek guidance or comfort from friends, relatives, or, in some cases, spiritual leaders who have passed on. Often mediums are consulted in order to clear haunted buildings of spirits who are earthbound – who either aren’t ready to leave the earth or don’t know that they are dead. In a few cases, there have been murder victims who have helped to solve their own murders through mediums.

Medium via Guides: A medium who does not communicate directly with the dead, but who works through a guide. A guide is a spirit who has passed on but who remains close to the earthly plane in order to assist humanity along the way. When working with a medium, the guide communicates with the departed spirit and then acts as a go-between in getting messages from that spirit to the medium.

Pet Psychic: A clairvoyant whose specialty is telepathic communication with animals. The first pet psychic that attained a high level of renown was Fred Kimball, who displayed an uncanny level of accuracy when communicating with cats, dogs and horses about their families, their homes, and their communities. Two current pet psychics who are rapidly becoming known for their work are Sonya Fitzpatrick of England, who has her own TV show on the Animal Planet channel, and Penelope Smith of northern California, who has published several books on the subject of animal communication.

Physical Medium: A physical medium is a person who can not only connect to the spirit world but also is able to produce physical phenomena such as moving objects through paranormal means, direct voices, or outpours of ectoplasm.

Psychic: From Greek “psyche,” meaning soul. An individual with exceptional gifts for telepathy, clairvoyance, mediumship or prophecy. A sensitive who can intuit and reveal the future, or facts, thoughts, and feelings unknown to him or her. In the past, most people have been skeptical or even hostile in their opinions about psychics, but psychics are now being vindicated by carefully controlled scientific experiments. See Parapsychology.

Sensitive: The ability to sense certain vibrations, energies, or paranormal phenomena. A recipient or reader needs to be sensitive to thoughts, feelings, and other sensations that do not originate in their own psyches.

Tarot Reader: A psychic or intuitive who uses Tarot cards as his or her primary focus when giving a reading. The cards serve as stimuli for the reader’s insights and ability to give advice.

Telekinesis: Also known as “psychokinesis,” the term describes the ability to change or move objects through application of paranormal mental powers. Some new-age followers regard this ability as part of Super ESP, forming a conscious mind-brain-consciousness connection that affects matter on a subatomic level.

Telepathy: The process of communication – without words or gestures – of reading the minds of others. Identical twins, or married couples who have been together for many years, sometimes report being able to communicate telepathically. The more gifted telepaths, however, can read the minds of strangers whom they pass on the street.


2 Responses to Psychic Abilities

  1. Patricia Driscoll says:

    I am joyous for having found your site. My daughter and I are living here in Humble. We moved from California last year and had , last year, finished our first weekend class for psychic development.
    We are interested in joining your classes when they resume. Also would like to know if you could work with the two of us-like a class.
    I watched your videos and was impressed with how relaxed and joyous you seemed. I look forward to meeting you in actual time.

    • I’m so glad to hear you are both on this spiritual journey together! Please text/call me at your convenience and let’s talk. I’m happy to do a zoom class with you both for now. Blessings!

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