Free Style Reading

To begin to open your third eye, you must first put yourself out there. If you want to run a marathon, first you must begin running a little every day. Practice is an essential part of success, in any area of your life. Find a partner or ask a loved one to participate in exercises with you, on a daily basis if possible.

Cold Reading Exercise

  • Sit in chairs, facing each other
  • Have a notepad and pen ready
  • Close your eyes and take long deep breaths
  • Center yourself and imagine a beam of light coming down from your Higher Self, through your head and down through your body into the ground, rooting itself there. Allow energy to come down through you, bringing knowledge and connection to the Source. Ground yourself with the roots and relax completely.
  • Now wait for messages or pictures to come. As you receive, write or draw everything that comes to you. Do not sensor yourself. The faster you write, the more pure the connection.
  • If you do not understand something, you may ask in your mind “what is this?” or “what does this mean?” and wait for the answer.
  • Open up your heart, allow feelings to come, a sense of the other person. Who is this person deep down? Try to see beyond what you’ve known about them and let them reveal themself to you. Write down everything.
  • Once you feel you have completed your session, you may take deep breaths to come back. Wiggle your feet to bring your full soul body back into your physical body and ground.
  • When you are ready, you may read what you have written. Remember, you are simply the messenger. What you received had a purpose, even if it is not known in the present moment.
  • Listen as they give you feedback. Accuracy is not the goal but often a side effect of a reading. You may be telling them something that is important for them to know that they have not been aware of, so it may seem false to them. You may tell them something that will help them make a choice that will change the course of their lives. We cannot always know the scope of what their angels and guides have in mind when they give us messages. Celebrate the process and enjoy what you feel.

The more you do it – the easier and more clear the messages will come. Pressure on yourself only makes it harder to sense the other person. Let go and enoy.

About Ingrid Karazincir

Ingrid Karazincir is a Spiritual Teacher, Author, Reiki Master and Medium specializing in awakening hidden potential.
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