Intuitive Tarot

Channeling for Yourself

It can be difficult to do a reading for yourself, just as it can be for a therapist attempting to counsel himself, but your spirit guides can help! Through meditation and simple techniques, you will be able to put things in perspective with ease. Your Guides are an essential part of your journey. They see the ‘big picture’ and will share it with you if you just ask them. Listening is the key.

  • Writing—Sit down with a pen and paper or at your computer and begin by writing your questions. Without thinking about it, answer the questions immediately. Write it or draw pictures that come to your mind, write what you feel or see. It is important to bypass your brain and allow the information to be channeled directly through your hands onto the page.
  • Tarot Reading—give yourself a general spread to get an overview or a 3-card draw to answer a specific question. See examples below.

TIP: Pull a card each morning to set the mood for the day. What will the day bring? This can get you used to trusting your intuition with the cards. See how the foretold events unfold throughout the day. It will give you the feedback you need to validate your intuitive readings.

Each deck comes with instructions and interpretations for each card, which is a great tool if you are ‘stuck’, but try to use your intuition to read the cards. The picture should spark the vision and show you what you need to see.

Practice with friends and family. It can be a fun learning process. Everyone loves a tarot reading and you’ll get honest feedback! Practice, indeed, makes perfect!

About Ingrid Karazincir

Ingrid Karazincir is a Spiritual Teacher, Author, Reiki Master and Medium specializing in awakening hidden potential.
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1 Response to Intuitive Tarot

  1. angelina says:

    Hello thank you for teaching us and im so interest
    In writing my question on a paper and answering and withowt thinking answet it. Im going to try tha but whow i know is the wright answe? Is my intuition? Thank you very much and have a blessing day**

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