Love Spell

What is a love spell?

A wish or intent to attract true love into your life, often using items such as candles, sage and other personal objects. To attract love into your life is a noble dream and one that can come true without much effort at all. If you wish to bring your love to you, try this love spell meditation/visualization technique, holding your intent in your mind and releasing all expectation of the result. When you set your heart free of attachment, then the very best outcome will come to you.

  • Light a red candle and sit comfortably in front of it at least a foot away. Play soft music.
  • Close your eyes, breathing very deeply and relaxing your body, imagine yourself in a beautiful happy place. A meadow, or by the beach. Picture what you are wearing, what you are doing as vividly as possible.
  • Now imagine as you enjoy yourself in this place playing a game or having fun with someone else. Allow your sight to see the other person clearly. What do they look like? Hair, eyes, body? What feeling do you have when you see them.
  • Continue to get a feel for the connection you have together. If you wish, ask in your mind “What is their name?” and wait for the answer to come to you. You may try to picture the very first letter, large and clear in the blank space in your mind’s eye. And then the next letter, and then the next until you see the name completely and clearly.
  • Now imagine your heart opening within, bursting with love and sending light and energy to the image in you mind of the two of you. See that energy surround you both and bring you together into a long embrace.  Relax and begin to breathe deeply as you enjoy this moment now.
  • You may allow your mind to freely wander to see if there are any clear messages you need to know about your connection or when it will happen. Allow the answers to come in gently and easily into your mind.
  • When you are satisfied, take long deep breaths and begin to come back to your body. Bring your awareness into the room and feel yourself becoming more and more present. Wiggle your toes and fingers and when you’re ready, open your eyes.

Write down what you saw. Draw or write your experience in detail right away to retain it. Blow out the candle and place your writing in a box out of the way. Expect nothing and open your heart to the imagine you saw. Allow the reality to take shape in due time and find joy in everything you do until the love spell comes full circle back to you!

About Ingrid Karazincir

Ingrid Karazincir is a Spiritual Teacher, Author, Reiki Master and Medium specializing in awakening hidden potential.
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