Becoming a Medium

Channeling is a way to receive information by visions, sound or feeling from sources in alternate dimensions. It can be the method of bringing a spirit into your body or simply summoning their presence for answers and guidance. Everyone has the ability to channel, in fact it occurs on a daily basis, but perhaps goes unnoticed.

If you wish to channel consciously, the first step is to focus your intent. Who or what would you like to have audience with in this moment? An angelic or spirit guide? A loved one who has crossed over? A long lost friend from another world? It is first your intent that will summon the being to be in your presence.

Spirit Invocation

If you wish to summon a being into your body to experience them on a deep level, you will feel your energy and vibration change to handle their difference in frequency. You will become heavy and feel out of body. It can be extremely relaxing and intense at once, and leave you with a better understanding of them. In this state, others may ask you questions that you may easily receive answers for. Often in this state you will not be fully present and the invoked spirit will speak through you. Your voice may be very different in tone and rhythm. It is important to be aware of these effects before practicing. For best results, invoke an angel and be sure to have a friend there to support you while you get into a meditative channeling state. Always drink plenty of water after the session and give yourself time to come out of it and back to your reality. Grounding is important.

Steps to practice for invocation:

  • Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take long, deep breaths until you feel your body is completely relaxed. Try counting to 10 as you inhale in through your nose, hold for 5, then exhale for 10 out through your mouth. This is an essential step in readying your body for channeling.
  • Imagine a cord of light coming down from your Higher Self (or God/Source), through your body aligning all of your chakras, and down into the ground where it roots and grounds you.
  • Now, focus on who you would like to invoke.
  • Say “Invoke” and repeat their name or type (ie “Invoke my guardian angel”).
  • Continue to stay open and loose until you feel their presence. You may hear, feel or sense something unusual. You may feel heavier or lighter or a change in temperature. Relax and breathe deeply if you need to. Enjoy the experience.
  • When you feel a presence in or around your energetic space, your may begin to speak or relay messages you receive to your support person. They may ask questions for you to answer. The key is to let everything flow without edit or judgement. Say whatever comes to you, relay your feelings or sensations. Everything means something, even if you don’t understand it right away.
  • Take your time. Enjoy yourself. The more ease you feel the easier the energy will flow in and the clearer the messages will be as they are received.
  • After you feel the presence has left you, you may begin to come back. Take long, deep breaths again and wiggle your toes and fingers. Bring your awareness back to your body in your chair or cushion. And when you’re ready, open your eyes.
  • It is best to write down your entire experience immediately or share it with a friend. This will bring all details to the surface before they fade. Practice weekly or daily for best results.

About Ingrid Karazincir

Ingrid Karazincir is a Spiritual Teacher, Author, Reiki Master and Medium specializing in awakening hidden potential.
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